Friday, July 2, 2010

Dim Sum

Emang dasar pemilih makanan, gak pernah mau nyoba makanan apapun yang terlihat aneh di mata gw. Denger nama "Dim Sum", yg ada di otak kepala adalah makanan Jepang, yg baik bentuk dan rasanya sama persis dengan Sushi. Tapi begitu sekali makan, ketagihan! Tapi cuma Dakau Udang aja favorit ku..

Konon, menurut sumber yg gw baca, ( DIM SUM (dalam dialek Cantonese) atau Dianxin (dalam bahasa Mandarin) secara harafiah berarti sedikit dari hati atau menyentuh hatimu. Kata ini disunting dan frasa yi dian xin yi yang artinya sedikit tanda mata. Kemudian secara umum kemudian digunakan sebagai istilah untuk menyebut camilan ringan.

Pantesan gw suka! berhubungan sama masalah hati soalnya. *heu...:D*

Well, let's try Sushi then! ;)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Does 'Yelling' makes you feel great?

I know men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. They won't be in the same perception if they stuck on one big problem. Each of them must have different perception, and then they'll argue, feeling that each of their opinion is the best of all. But why men tend to love in yelling when their women have different point of view from them? Is it a must to do so? Or.. Do they satisfy after yelling to their woman? Showing that "men are so powerful, so just listen to us! then you won't regret!". Is there always an excuse for them for hurting their women by yelling?

Well, I'm not so agree with that. If yelling is the only solution to get best perception of an issue, so what is the function of communication, then..? Can we just sit together with cold head, stable emotion, and discuss 'what men want and what women want'?.

Arguing each other with throw bad words and yell each other is a reflection of having no appraisal at all in the relationship.

So, Men... Keep your voice a little bit soft if you want to be appreciated by your women! Unless you wanna be treated unappreciative without complaining.

Intinya mah.. NGACA!!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

when everything looks grey for me

do not depend on the hope of results. you may have to face that your work will be apparently worthless and achieve no result at all, if not, perhaps result opposite to what u expect. nass you get used to this idea, you start more to concentrate not on the result, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself. you gradually struggle less and less for an idea but more for specific people. in the end, the reality of personal relationship that saves everything..

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dreams are the answers to questions that we haven’t yet figured out how to ask.
